Tuesday, March 31, 2009

...And I'm back!!

After an extended break from most forms of physical activity, it’s back to the training grounds for me. Just registered for the Bangalore 10K run, to be held on May 31st.

The difference this time around is that I won’t be doing it alone, but will be joining a bunch of friends from 60kph. If there ever was an eclectic crowd, this will be it; the group ranges from accomplished, veteran marathoners to fitness freaks to wannabe fitness freaks to the laziest SOBs under the sun, so this promises to be a fun experience.

I’m also determined to approach this differently than my 25K run. The goal now is not just to drop dead at the finish line, but to finish comfortably in a respectable time. No clue what that respectable time is, but I’ll no doubt find out during the course of the run ;)

Time to clean my shoes, load my iPod and bring out the Bangalore Ultra tee. I hit the road tomorrow!